
"Purple Panzies"


5 x 7 in. / 13 x 18 cm.
oil on canvas board / olio su cartone telato
signed on front & back / firmato davanti e dietro
final protective damar varnish / vernice finale protettiva damar


I bought some flowers yesterday.  I like their strong/artificial colour and size.  They must be pumped with hormones.
Ho comprato alcuni fiorni ieri.  Mi piace il loro colore forte/artificiale e la dimensione.  Sono sicuramente pompati di ormoni.

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Elizabeth England said...

You take a little pot of flowers or a piece of fruit and you show us they are treasures -- each one to be noticed for its distinct beauty. Thank you. I have been trying to do something similar with my photography of ordinary/extraordinary things...makes life feel so very special. Thank you. I'll keep watching for your work and peeking in at your blog. All the best to you, E.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for your kind words.
I will have a look at your blog.
Two books came to mind as I read your comments:
"The Poetics of Space" by Gaston Bachelard and "Looking at the Overlooked" by Norman Bryson. Both have given me enormous insight into space, form and colour.
All the best to you as well,

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