
"Yellow Melon"  SOLD

15 x 20 cm. / 5.90 x 7.87 in
oil on canvas board / olio su cartone telato
signed on front and back / firmatoo davanti e dietro
final protective damar varnish / vernice damar finale protettivo

I'm definitely in a yellow mood.  I bought a melon the other day because I really liked the yellow orange colors.  I get home, turn around, and gues what . . . my daughter's cutting it in half! Can't blame her, it was delicious.

Mi sento molto giallo.  Ho comprato un melon l'altro giorno perchè mi piacevano i colori giallo arancio.  Arrivo a casa, mi giro e indovina . . .  mia figlia lo stava tagliando a metà!  Non potevo incolparla, era delizioso.

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