
Promotional Drawing Workshop this Weekend in Porchiano del Monte Italy


 If you're in the Amelia area this weekend, come and participate in my promotional sketchbook drawing and watercolor workshop in Porchiano del Monte.

It's a great way of remembering a holiday or a day out in the countryside.

When: Saturday June 21, 2014
Time: 5:00 pm - 7:30 p.m.
Where: Porchiano del Monte, Amelia (Terni) Umbria, Italy

Reserve your place in the Drawing Workshop

Se siete intorno ad Amelia questo finesettimana, venite al mio Laboratorio Promozionale di Disegno ed Acquerello a Porchiano del Monte.

Quando: Sabato 21 giugno 2014
Ora: 17,00 al 19,30
Dove: Porchiano del Monte, Amelia (Terni) Italia

Reserve your place in the Drawing Workshop

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