
"Purple Flowers in Anaheim"


5 x 7 in. / 13 x 18 cm.
oil on canvas board / olio su cartone telato
signed on front & back / firmato davanti e dietro
final protective damar varnish / vernice damar finale protettiva
june 2013

Yesterday was about 100º in the shade. I should've painted in the morning, but because I was looking after my folks, I couldn't.   I opted to paint this around 5pm, the light was soft but sweat was rolling down my spine!

Ieri faceva 40º all'ombra.  Avrei dovuto dipingere di mattina ma stavo accudendo i miei e non potevo.  Ho deciso di dipingere di pomeriggio, intorno alle 17, la luce era morbida e diffusa ma il sudore mi correva lungo la schiena.

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